Greenway Manor and Ellicott City Assisted Living caring and making a difference...
Greenway Manor and Ellicott City Assisted Living caring and making a difference...

Service Charges

Based on the physician and facility assessment, we can determine the level of care (level 1, level 2 or level 3 also known as low, moderate and high level of care) and establish your daily or monthly rate. Please note that private, semi-private room will also be a determining factor in the amount of monthly fees charge.


Our fees are very competitive for the services that we offer. All rates are subject to change and are based on individual assessment.


Call us for rates.  Our starting base rate is $4000/month and up.


We encourage you to stop by, visit, and talk to us about rates.  Every resident is different and each resident has different needs.  We base our pricing on the individual resident, their needs, level of care, and staff requirements needed to care for your loved one.


The resident is the most important person at Greenway Manor and ECAL (Ellicott City Assisted Living).  We want to make sure that each resident is happy and wants to live here. Make an appointment by phone at (443) 812-5415 or use our contact form.

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Do You Have Any Questions?

We are happy to assist,

you can contact us at:


Greenway Manor

2913 Greenway Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21042

Phone: (443) 812-5415 or

(410) 696-2844
Fax: (410) 696-2844


Or use our contact form.


Ellicott City Assisted Living

2970 St. Johns Lane 

Ellicott City, MD 21042

Phone: (443) 812-5415 or

(410) 480-3225
Fax: (410) 465-6498

Visit Us

We invite you to visit Greenway Manor and Ellicott City Assisted Living (ECAL) anytime. We encourage families and friends to visit our residents. You may also arrange for a tour from the owner any weekday or weekend.





At Greenway Manor Assisted Living and Ellicott City Assisted Living, we place our residents health and safety above all else.  

During this coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency, we are doing everything we can to protect our residents and staff.



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© Greenway Manor Assisted Living


